Arrowsmith's approach to LEARNING PROBLEMS image
We don't focus on the symptoms.  We take a deeper look at what is causing the problems.

We have known for a long time that learning in all parts of the curriculum is a complex task that requires several areas of the brain to be functioning strongly. That's why we measure the strength of 16 brain functions during the assessment. We then prioritize your program to work on the most important ones first. When the person begins their program we know if they are struggling with learning because of difficulties with:

  • remembering what a letter or word looks like 
  • remembering a series of words they have heard
  • controlling eye movements that makes the letters on the page appear to swim
  • discriminating between the sounds of similar words
  • blending sounds together
  • understanding the relationship between ideas or concepts
  • unable to hold numbers in their mind
  • unable to understand non verbal cues
Each of these characteristics of 'dyslexia', ADHD, Autism, Auditory Processing Disorder, is an indication that there is an underlying cognitive area which is not performing strongly enough to support efficient learning.  Each of these areas can be identified, exercised and strengthened.  The result is the person becomes able to learn and function in the community without compensations.  Here is a questionnaire to help you work out which areas of your brain might need some exercise.

Watch Barbara Arrowsmith, the founder of this program's  TedEx talk